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Guides on how to use our various offerings.
27 articles
How do I register a Personal Account with SGPMX?
How do I register a Company Account with SGPMX?
How do I register a Trust Account with SGPMX?
How do I log into my SGPMX trading account?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
How do I reset my password from the login page?
How do I log out of the dashboard?
How do I buy gold or silver using the live price option on the Exchange?
How do I buy gold or silver using the preferred price option on the Exchange?
How do I cancel a pending buy item that I had listed on the Live Exchange?
How do I sell gold or silver using the live price option on the Exchange?
How do I sell gold or silver using the preferred price option on the Exchange?
How do I cancel a pending sell item that I had listed on the Live Exchange?